Monday, February 22, 2010

My sharpie doesn't bleed through my paper!

S O F O R S O M E R E A S O N E V E R Y O N E I S L O S I N G T H E I R M I N D A N D A L L T H E I R S C R U P L E S.

There are all these new rules in the SLC, which makes the students mad--who tell the administration that they are mad, who in turn get offended, which also offends the students, meanwhile offending the teachers (* in this case the word "offend" can be replaced with the words "pisses/pissed off" or "loses their Jesus fearing minds.") These occurrences lead to a campus in uproar. A division of the classes. A division of the ages, the disciplines, the sexes. A disagreement of Old and New Testaments.

My only solution is to continue on my non-rule-breaking path, to continue on my non-confrontational path, to continue to countdown the days until graduation in Seuss-like rhyme and colors.

To try my hardest to work in an environment of hate and turmoil and constant aggravation. To know that there are 88 days left.

To write. To write. To write.