Today I read Perks of Being a Wallflower and when I think about it all I think is that I want to read it again because it was so good and I'm sure I missed some things so I'm going to read it again even though I only started last night and devoured it, I'm going to try to take my time.
Now I look at this book and think of the title. Before, you know, it's just a title you hear a lot (if you like reading) and think, oh I should read that. Now I can dissect it. See that it's funny, beautiful even--all these perks, really, are just hurdles you jump and are so proud you look back to see that you jumped it, then stumble over the next one--and you never finish jumping but you eventually learn to just be happy that you can make it over most of them and get back up again. Those aren't just wallflower perks, though, everyone has a chance to get there.
I keep trying to explain to my mom that I don't want to live at home during college. I can't move out for two years and then back in. I want to grow up not down. Before, I was just scared to go home, I didn't want to see what was all around me. And, I mean, I guess I still am and don't, but really--I want to be like everyone else and have a real college life and I really want a cat and I couldn't have one in a dorm and I don't want anyone to tell me when I have to go to sleep or anything--and USM's dorms are just not that great anyway.
I really still want a Siberian Cat, but I don't think I'll get one any time soon. 

the perks of being a wallflower--I downloaded charlie's mix tape and made the songs into a playlist on my zune. om nom nom good music.
siberian cat.
I wanted a bombay cat for the longest time. that was when I knew 10000+ facts about cats. they are still probably behind my liver somewhere.
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