Today I battled with my lunch lady via emal.
Via emails that were shared with the principal and executive director.
Via emails that claimed I was anorexic.
Via emails that called me sweet and claimed to love me.
Those emails were win.
That experience goes in a box under my hat--
when I tip my hat to you, like a gentleman, some will slip out,
and sprinkle onto your day. And, it will make you smile.
The thing is:
you can think it's okay to make S H I T T Y F O O D,
that no one will say anything
that we'll all just eat it.
But. I won't.
I'll complain.
I'll send you emails.
I'll get involved to the max.
And you can turn it around on me.
But in the end,
either I win
or nobody does.
But today, I think I won.
I'll only eat on G U M B O Day--
in which I will eat two bowls of gumbo.
I'm happy with my B U R R I T O S in my room--
that I got for 39 cents at Wal Mart.
Sure beats whatever Shepheard's Pie is.
Looks like scraps to me.
I think I won today.
But, best of all: I'm full.
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