Thursday, May 6, 2010

I want to play Hey You, Pikachu S O O O bad, it really doesn't make sense at all. If you know what that is, I'm impressed and I N L O V E. I wish technology was a little slower, or nostalgia was a little shallower.
Today, I was walking through the hall and saw some of the Visuals' art work (hello, Art School). They all had to make these boxes that were like, shadow box-type things, and there were colored lights behind them. There was one that was Where the Wild Things Are themed--there were coke bottles and pop tops, there were funny shapes and other things, but my favorite one said:
"I'm Not Nostalgic"
and it had some other random letters down at the bottom. I loved it!
I did some asking, found out it was my roommate. Epic. It's amazing.


jordan. said...

I DO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Hey You Pikachu was only rivaled by Poke'mon Snap, as far as I'm concerned.