This morning I got in line for breakfast because I was hungry because I woke up in time and I did my makeup and braided my hair and I never knew I could feel so good to wake up so early so I was awake and I was hungry and I was in line behind the girls everyone thinks are in love and I'm sure they must be and the pretty one the one that makes whales look like dolphins she turns to me and she says you're really pretty like a doll.
And last night I was going in my room to go in my room to go in my room and do a few things and this girl just stops and says I'm pretty and she calls me dollface like it has to be my name.
And my cousin my little bitty cousin is in Louisiana and she's a state away and she's so little and today she's eating breakfast because she's hungry and her mother and I and everyone just think of how pretty she is and she's holding this doll and she's singing to her and she's singing "You don't have a re-e-eal mouth."
And she's right. And I bet if someone called her dollface she would get offended. And I should. Because I have so much to say. I really hope people will listen.
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