Monday, March 29, 2010


It's all so soft here.

Horns and Progress

I keep waking up, and going to sleep.
It's an endless cycle that feels compulsive.
Apparently, compulsive nature is unhealthy.
So I'm making the consicious effort to sleep more.
Because sleeping is so much easier
than waking up
and realizing all the things I have to do
and all the people standing around like goats
that aren't going to help
or do anything but chew and whine
and cheese and milk
and when I'm working hard
when my fingers have all bled out and turned white
and I want everything to be perfect
they'll run into it
head first with their horns shoving through
whatever I'd just accomplished.
So I'm going to goat, too
grow a beard & stick my hair up
until it mats together like horns
and if anyone
does anything
more than what I've done
I'm going to curl over
until my horns tear my belly red
and let it all
be beautiful.