I'll be writing a story this week on a comic book store in downtown Hattiesburg. It's legitimately the coolest place I've ever been to in Mississippi. I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys all check it out (especially after reading my story). It's newly opened and has a really great selection of comics and comic-type things (for those of you more into the visual appeal of comics than the stories themselves). I'll actually be interviewing the owners on Thursday (and essentially writing it up then as well) so I hope to have a link up to the story on the website soon and if it goes to print I'll let you know. :)
I got an Angel single from there today and saw some really cool L O C A L art. You guys should fer sure stop by and buy some comics, or stickers, or plushies. :3

BTW, he ordered Buffy singles. I'll be back there so frequently.
Just wanted to let you all know what's up in the writing world of Ashlyn.
That's what's up.
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